How CBD Oil Works
CBD oil has become enormously popular recently. And that is of course not for nothing. This beneficial oil is used by the calming and anti-inflammatory effect, for example, sleep problems, stress, pain and anxiety. But what is it, what can you actually use it for and how does CBD oil work exactly?
CBD stands for cannabidiol and this active ingredient is extracted from the leaves and flower tops of the industrial hemp plant. This crop is grown primarily for its strong fibers, which are used in the clothing industry, among other things. In addition, the hemp seeds are used for consumption and hemp is also used in skin care products. And for a number of years now, CBD oil as a food supplement has also taken off.
Spoiler alert: CBD oil is not addictive! The hemp plant is part of the CBD family, just like the CBD plant, but it doesn’t contain THC (the substance that makes you stoned or high) and so you will never get high or stoned when you use CBD oil. CBD plants, on the other hand, contain a lot of THC and very little CBD. On top of that, the substance cannabidiol has no addictive effect, is safe for daily use and for that reason also legally for sale in the Netherlands.
Our body contains a so-called endo-cannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has been discovered fairly recently, so we don’t know everything about this system yet. What we do know is that the system is spread throughout our entire body. And not just ours. Every living creature has such a system; dogs, horses, fish, birds and even certain mollusks.
The function of the endocannabinoid system is to send signals to our brains when something is ‘broken’. It doesn’t repair anything itself, but it sends a signal when your body needs to send in help. Controlling the body is done quite accurately by this system; down to the cellular level. Cannabinoids from the hemp plant attach to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our bodies, naturally supporting our endocannabinoid system.
And now it comes. Because a hemp plant contains all kinds of substances, including cannabinoids. CBD or the substance cannabidiol belongs to these cannabinoids. Although not in the body’s own form (endo-cannabinoids), our bodies appear to absorb the cannabinoids from hemp well and quickly. In this way the body’s own endo-cannabinoid level is supplemented. Check out this article from readers digest magazine to learn more info on CBD oil.
CBD oil is most commonly used to relieve stress and anxiety symptoms. Several studies show that it can provide relief to people with anxiety disorders.
But also preventively you can use CBD oil. Think for example of exciting moments such as taking an exam, giving a presentation or during another stressful period in your life.
Cannabinoids influence the serotonin level in your body, reducing feelings of anxiety, tension and discomfort. It is not for nothing that serotonin is known as the happiness hormone!
Another study from the University of Nottingham has shown that CBD oil can not only reduce and suppress pain, but also reduce inflammation in joints. CBD oil is therefore widely used by people with rheumatism, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.
In addition, CBD also has a relaxing effect, which also relieves pain symptoms. Researchers are not quite sure, but it seems that cannabinoids make the nervous system ignore the pain. To be continued!
Do you sleep badly? Many people with sleep problems use CBD oil. CBD helps you relax your muscles so you sleep deeper and wake up more refreshed. Moreover, most people with sleep problems also have to deal with the necessary stress (sometimes just by the prolonged bad sleep).